Romans 8:19 says that “…the creation earnestly and eagerly expects and waits for the revealing (full disclosure, an uncovering) of the “sons” of God. It rightly deserves so because Psalms 115:16 says that “the highest heavens belong to the lord but the earth he has given to mankind”
We are called to “BE” who we are and not trying to “be” or trying to “DO” something for God!
There is a great difference between these two categories of people. One is “walking” in revelation and the latter is “working” without it. One is walking in “relationship” and the other is “religion” without relationship. Relationship births “manifestation” while religion brings forth “condemnation”. When we “BE”, who we are in Christ, “Sonship” is displayed while “Doing” displays “slave” mentality. One brings “life” and the other “death”. Walking in the Spirit is the portion of the manifested sons of God while latter ends up in walking in the flesh. That person can be coined or termed as a “Soulish” person.
Romans 1:3-4 says…”Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared (manifested) to be the Son of God with Power according to the Spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead”
Jesus was born in the flesh but in the Spirit, he was the “Son of God”. He manifested to humanity not according to His fleshly limitations but as he was before the foundation of the world “a lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world” – Rev 13:8. Jesus had all the temptations and limitations that every man on earth had, in His flesh, but He manifested as the Apostle and High Priest of our confession in His rightful call towards man. Jesus was just “being” true to his identity and call and not trying to do something by establishing a religion or set of rules. He manifested the kingdom of God which was within himself.

Col 1:15 – ..“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God”
Jesus manifested as the exact representation of God and portrayed the Father as He is to us. He displayed the heart and mind of God by walking in the revelation of just “being” who he was. Signs and wonders and miracles, raising the dead, healing the sick, preaching the gospel to the poor, forgiving the sinners and ultimately giving his life for the sins of the world was how He fulfilled his call to “be”
Once we have a revelation of who we are in Christ Jesus our manifestation as the Sons of God in displaying God’s Holiness, Righteousness and Truth becomes a part of “being” and not “doing”. We manifest as the exact image and representation of God, like Jesus did, as we grow into mature sons and daughters of God. Mature sons and daughters of God bring the invisible to the visible realm!
The First Adam
The FIRST Adam’s position in the world started as a “son”. He was the extension of god’s rule and representation of God on earth. As a son he had a mission to subdue and rule and have dominion over all the earth. He had a vision and mission to fulfill. God brought the animals and the birds to Adam and waited and watched to see what he would call them. God gave the freedom to Adam to function in his call. He was the Viceroy of all that God had created. Adam was just “being” who he was, and he wasn’t laboring all day trying to “do” things.
He was held accountable to his call. He was responsible for everything God placed under him. He had specific instructions to follow. Gods’ intention was that through the First Adam the creation would see the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. But through the First Adam Sin and Death entered the world. What was supposed to bring life brought death. What was supposed to bring a blessing resulted in bringing curse.
The Second ADAM
Glory be to God Christ came as the second Adam! Jesus manifested His call. The Creation ( you and me ) was eagerly and earnestly for His manifestation so that You and I could be transferred into the kingdom of light, adopted as his Sons, Purified by His blood, become the righteousness of God, walk in the Holiness of God, obtain an Inheritance of covenants and blessings amongst the saints, become the temple of God through his Spirit upon us and finally possess everlasting life.
In the second ADAM (Jesus Christ) dominion, mission to subdue and rule, to takeover and to multiply and be fruitful and to be the visible image and the exact representation of God is extended to us. The apostles manifested their call….they were called “men who have turned the world upside down” by the creation around them! – Acts 17:6.
Many Called but few chosen
There are many facets to this verse (Matt 22:14), but I want to convey something which is a bitter truth. Many are “called” the children of God but many wont “manifest” as the children of God! In short many won’t mature into their calling and manifest who they are in Christ Jesus. In Christ we are blessed equally but the sad part is that all will not be fruitful equally.
In Mark 4: 20..the seed is sown equally but the crop that produced had different outcomes….some 30,60 and 100. The grace of God has appeared to all men but upon that grace faith must be mixed to see that grace manifest fully through your life. Heb 4:2 says that “for we also are having good news proclaimed, even as they, but the word heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard”
Esau, the firstborn of Issac, had the rightful privilege and position to have God known by his name...”God of Abraham, Issac and Esau” but he forfeited his birthright to Jacob to satisfy his flesh that is why it’s written in Rom 9:13 – “Jacob I loved and Esau I Hate”. Here God did not show partiality but through His foreknowledge He saw the choices of Jacob and Esau. Jacob forfeited his family given name and legacy to adorn the new name to manifest in the next season of his life as “Israel”. He manifested his call in his generation!
Resurrection only after death
You are the Epistle of Christ. Creation around you is awaiting your rise to your true calling. You may be wondering how can I manifest who I am inside of me? Its through…..Death!
John 12:24 – “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains a single seed, but if it dies it produces many seeds”
Death to the flesh is the only way to the treasure of glory inside us. DEATH IS THE ONLY WAY TO RESSURECTION! If we want to manifest the resurrection power that is in us, death to self is the only way. We must be ready to let go of our past, our titles, our leaning on our understanding, works of the flesh for the brightness inside us to manifest. The LOT (Abraham’s nephew) in our lives must be told to leave. You must be ready to leave identity, things or places etc to manifest as a proven, mature son and daughter of God.
Death is nothing but separation, it can be coined as consecration, sanctification etc in this context. A consecrated life is a life cycle of death and resurrection.
Don’t kill your call by compromising like Esau, disobeying like Cain, walking in the flesh like Judas, deserting like Demas who loved the world, shipwrecking your faith like the Israelites, Hymenaeus and Alexander but by faith “Imitate” the men and women, who set apart their lives, paid a price, risked their faith, loved the lover of their souls and entered into the “hall of faith” mentioned in Hebrews 11.
Its time to rise above the mountains, floods, storms, temptations every attack of the enemy, over your life, by “being” who you are in kingdom.
You will manifest, Be fruitful, Be the change, Be a His-Story maker, Be a Giantslayer in your generation. Creation around you will see it!
May God be glorified!